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EmiliaEmiliaa month ago

Impossible to open Bank Account?

I’m currently in Thailand on visa waver & I got married to a Thai citizen, so my ultimate goal is to make a long-term spousal visa. One of the requirements for this visa is holding 400k thb in a Thai bank for a period of 2 months. Yet opening the account in the first place is proving impossible 😱 Wasted too many hours sat in a bank only to be told they don’t open accounts for foreigners. Appointed an agent who promised could open for me, only to be told new requirements from bank (due to Chinese nationals abusing scheme) only open for people on a long-term visa. How do I go about this when government makes bank account a requirement for spousal visa & bank makes long-term visa a requirement for a Bank account. It’s a bit of a circular dependency I’m having a lot of trouble resolving. 😱 Thanks.

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