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یاسمنیاسمنa month ago

The deeper I dive into specialty coffee, the less I seem to enjoy it. What is wrong with me?

I got more into specialty coffee during the pandemic, so ~5 years now I’ve been experimenting and trying to enjoy coffee the way everyone else does. I have a v60, Chemex, Switch, Aeropress and many other brewers. I have several $200+ hand grinders. I’ve tried coffee from all the popular roasters you can think of and got my technique down to a science. The most expensive equipment I’ve purchased, and fancier brewing techniques I’ve used produces coffee I enjoy the least. The coffee everyone raves about is too fruity and has no body. It reminds me of tea and honestly I can’t stand it. After all these years I keep coming back to my Clever Dripper, Baratza Encore and Happy Mug’s Renegade Guatemala, and I actually even started using my Moka Pot again. I just want a cup of coffee that isn’t bitter or doesn’t taste stale with traditional chocolate and nutty notes. Why is it so difficult to find good quality coffee that isn’t a light roast?

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